Fatma Yuniarti, Siswoyo Siswoyo, Dian Rakhmawati


Understanding words is one the language components that becoming a problem for students with listening impairment. This difficulty exists because student with listening impairment do have any perception about language. The difficulties of student with listening impairment in understanding words will consequently causing problem for them.The main goal of this research is to develop a media teaching and learning English based on Information Communication and Technology (ICT) and social network that used exclusively as e-learning tool, toward the ability of listening impairment students in understanding meaning of words.The approach will be used Nonprobabby Sampling. A sampling technique that does not pay attention to many variables in sampling. Samples from Nonprobability Sampling are also referred to as research subjects where the results of the tests performed on the sampling have no relationship to the population. The method used in this research is research and development (Research and Development). A research and development approach consisting of ten steps, including: (1) preliminary study and information gathering; (2) planning; (3) hypothetical model development; (4) hypothetical model feasibility test; (5) revisions; (6) limited scale field trials; (7) revision of field trial results;(8) more extensive trials; (9) final model revision; (10) dissemination and socialization. From the previous description of instructional media application and learning of English based on Communication and Information Communication Network (ICT) and it can be said that The application of teaching and learning media of English based on can be a fun learning, has a high interactivity elements, causing students to remember more subject matter, and reduce operational costs Usually issued by students to follow the learning, application effective if used exclusively as a learning tool to the ability to hear students’ disturbance in understanding the meaning of words, which is used exclusively as a learning tool for the ability to hear students’ disturbance in understanding the meaning of words to students Class XI SMALB Negeri Pringsewu Lampung.

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