Salsa Belladinna Putri Utami, Nurhaeda Gailea, Ledy Nurlely


This research was intended to see; 1.) How is the English pre-service teachers’ competence in Pre-service Teaching Program?; 2.) What challenges do English pre-service teacher face during the Pre-service Teaching Program?; and 3.) How do English pre-service teachers solve the challenges? in Second Session of Pre-service Teaching Program 2016/2017 Academic Year in the University of Sultan Ageng Tiratayasa. Qualitative method and Case study design was used. After got the data from observation checklist and interview and analyzed by data condensation analysis the result said that most of the participants got under 50% from 60 points and only one participant got 70% from 60 points and most challenges they faced during the Pre- service Teaching Program (PTP) were in the category of professional competence and pedagogical competence. Another finding said that the presence of the supervisor in the school very helpful and almost covered all matters they faced during PTP.

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