Siti Kustini


An evaluation of a program is required to assure that the intended objectives are met. This is considered as an essential step in the whole process to decide to continue or bring about necessary revisions in the program. This study attempts to evaluate the ESP program in Informatics Engineering study program at State Polytechnic of Banjarmasin and to find out whether or not an ESP program conducted at Informatics Engineering has met the prerequisites of delivering effective and quality of language education. CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) model of evaluation developed by Stuflflebeam (1971) is used as the framework as this model is largely used by many educational researchers and is emphasized the importance of producing evaluative data for deci- sion-making. The results of this research suggest the importance of conducting needs analysis prior to the program implementation as it may provide solid and useful foun- dation for any program which seeks to serve its students. In addition, it is strongly advocated that teachers should use of various up-to-date books and materials to better keep up with the development of course content and provide comprehensive infor- mation and criteria measurement regarding assessment that should be articulated clearly in syllabus.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30870/aiselt.v1i1.11103


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