English in Indonesia and Industry 4.0

Allan F. Lauder


This article looks at the status and use of English in Indonesia, a country which is known for its diversity, bio-diversity and diversities of language and culture. The main pathway for learning English in Indonesia is the formal education system. This is enormous, catering for tens of millions of pupils, and has been built up from practically zero immediately after independence. As such the education system faces unique challenges. However, one new challenge is emerging and likely to play a significant part in Indonesia’s development over the next few decades. This is the disruptive power of Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 refers to the emerging technological advances that will have an impact on our society and culture. The role played by English will surely be part of the way forward for building an advanced economy in Indonesia by 2045. The article thus covers how we might respond to and prepare for Industry 4.0 in the education sector, with particular reference to English.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30870/aiselt.v3i3.11109


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