Classroom Debate to the Teaching of Speaking at Grade XI.F Students of Ayuda Husada Vocational High School

Meita Bunga Cesarina, Murti Ayu Wijayanti, Rahman Hakim


This study was intended to describe the process of the implementation of Classroom Debate Method to teach speaking in the classroom, to know the students’ responses toward this method, and to find out the improvement of students’ speaking abilities. Case study design was chosen as its research design by using observation, questionnaire and speaking test as the instruments. The techniques to analyze the data were data reduction, data display, and data conclusion and verification. The observation result showed that the process of the implementation of Classroom Debate Method could encourage students’ speaking ability and confidence. The questionnaire result revealed that from the students’ point of view, this method was helpful for them because it could accommodate students’ opinion and could be a medium for them to learn to speak in English specifically in public. Furthermore, the result of speaking test indicated that most students showed a positive improvement in all English speaking aspects, i.e. vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency. Thus, this study suggests that Classroom Debate Method can be implemented in speaking classroom to teach students to deliver their own idea and let them practice to speak in English more actively and confidently.

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