A Classroom Action Research: Improving Speaking Skills through English-American Movies

Arrum Fathia Sari


The research was based on students’ difficulty in English speaking skills in class. The objectives of the research are to investigate students’ improvement in speaking skills, to acknowledge the students’ responds, and to find out the significant improvement of students’ speaking skills through watching English – American movies as treatments. The researcher used the classroom action research design to this research by involving two cycles of planning, action, observation and reflection. The participants of this research were the first semester students of Diploma One BBC-ETS Serang To collect the data, the researcher used instrument of students’ speaking tests, classroom observation, interview, and questionnaire. The data obtained was presented in two ways; quantitatively and qualitatively. The research findings showed that watching English – American movies were effective in improving students’ speaking skills in class. This can be seen by the rise of students’ speaking Mean scores in the test result: 12.38 in the first cycle and 15 in the second cycle. The improvement was also showed by significant changes of students’ positive responses in classroom observation, the interview and questionnaire findings showed that most of students enjoyed watching English – American movies and they agreed by watching English – American movies help them in speaking skill, especially in gaining new vocabularies and pronunciation.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30870/aiselt.v6i1.12491


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