Registers in Facebook Postings Used by Online Marketers in West Borneo

Antonius Setyawan Sugeng Nur Agung, Monika Widayastuti Surtikanti, Masfa Maiza


The present study aims to describe the registers used by online marketers in three-private Facebook fan pages in West Borneo. Different from the previous research of registers in online marketing on Facebook, the present study scrutinizes the linguistic features including the form and function of lexical marking of the used registers using domain, taxonomy, and componential data analysis proposed by Spradley (1980) and Santosa (2017). The domain analysis classifies the types of the sold goods namely electronics, fashion, food and beverages, properties, and vehicles. Using descriptive qualitative research method, the researcher describes what registers used in promoting and asking for the goods in Facebook postings. Thus, the postings were gingerly observed as the objects of this study. The analysis of the registers found 70 registers consisting of 48 words and 22 phrases used in online trading. According to the domain and function of the registers, the study found: in the domain of electronics, there were 4 registers which function as offering, 1 as interest, and 2 as bargaining; in the domain of fashion, there were 13 registers as offering; (3) in the domain of food and beverages, there were 11 registers as offering; in the domain of properties, there were 15 registers as offering, 1 as bargaining, and 4 as dealing; in the domain of vehicles, there are 9 registers as offering, 4 as interest, 4 as bargaining, and 2 as dealing. The result of analysis also revealed that most of the registers were dominated by code mixing considering the structure of the two or more languages used in the same utterances. Those would be very beneficial relating to the business world.

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