An Analysis on the Use of Video Project towards Students Speaking Skill: A Study of Undergraduate Students at English Department in University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Rhezky Fauzan Utomo, Eri Rahmawati, Rahman Hakim


The researchers chose video project and speaking skill as the variable and title of their paper because the researchers realized that everything would end up with technology as the world which human lived in. So does the educational sector, the educational sector will also be affected by the globalism era with technology on it that force students to learn more innovative way with technologies. The objective of this research was to find out the use of video project towards students speaking skill at English Department in University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. The researchers used qualitative research and implementing case study as the research method. There were 3 classes involved in this research. Each class consisted approximately of 40 students. Applying video project in the teaching learning process of speaking, the researchs revealed that there was significant improvement with 80% of students has improved the 5 speaking skill aspects (Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Fluency, Comprehension, Grammar). The result of the questionnaire showed that 80% students (separated into two section agree, strongly agree) have positive responses towards the use of video project towards their speaking skill. Therefore, it is suggested that the teacher should use video project in their teaching learning process especially speaking skill.

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