Ideology of MP Tom Tugendhat in His Political Speech: Appraisal Critical Discourse Analysis

Meutia Pelangi Naghia, Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono


This study describes the ideology represented by MP Tom Tugendhat in his political speech about Afghanistan. The speech transcript was obtained from the online newspaper called Spectator. Meanwhile, this study employs purposive sampling data with descriptive qualitative as the model of the research. In analyzing the data, the researchers use systemic functional linguistics specifically the Appraisal theory purposed by Martin and White (2005) to classify and to describe the ideology of the speaker in his speech. However, the focus of this study is mainly in the attitude appraisal including affect, judgment, and appreciation as well as its gradability of attitudinal meanings. The result shows that types of attitude appraisal mostly produced by the speaker is affect, judgment, and appreciation simultaneously. While, the realization of the ideology can be seen through his emotion which is reflected by his affect toward Afghanistan. In addition, the use of appreciation and judgment also influence his ideology since he considers that some events occurred in Afghanistan.

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