Item Analysis of English Test of National-Based School Examination (USBN) in Serang Regency

Arnilah Arnilah


This study aimed to analyze the English Test of the National-Based School Examination (USBN) in Serang Regency held in 2021. The analysis consisted of Difficulty Level, Discrimination Power and Distracter Effectiveness. The intention is to know the quality of test items and the whole test as well. The method used is a descriptive quantitative approach. The participants were 128 students of SMP Islam Nurul Fikri Boarding School. From the research results, it is found that the level of difficulty of the test is not balanced. The easy level is 56%, the moderate is 28%, and the high is 16%. Meanwhile, From the Discrimination index found that 64% are reasonably good, 16% are marginal, and 20% are rejected. From the distracters' point, 55% of options work well, while 44% do not function, and 100% of key answers work correctly. It is concluded that the test needs some revisions and improvements.

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