Challenges of Teaching English to Students with Special Needs During Pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesian School Based on Teacher's Experience

Nur Khakim, Ahmad Septianto


This study is intended to examine the portrait and the challenge of teaching English to students with special needs in Indonesian school during pandemic Covid-19 based on teacher’s perspective and experience. This study uses narrative inquiry design of qualitative method that involves a practitioner who was experienced in teaching English for students with special needs to get in touch in learning process. In this study, the selected participant is an English teacher who is selected from her place of teaching. In the data collection process, the researchers conduct face-to-face virtual interviews and chatting via WhatsApp with the intended participant and also asks for photos of activities carried out by the participant with the students. This study shows a result that there are several challenges faced by an English teacher who teaches English to children with special needs. First challenge is the varies of special needs condition require different treatments. Second challenge is distance weakens teacher’s control of students' learning development. Third challenge is English learning via virtual meeting is ineffective. Fourth challenge is parents’ perception of their children condition. In conclusion, the finding shows that by applying some activities referenced by the English teacher, it can be suitable solutions to overcome those challenges. Nevertheless, teaching English to students with special needs always has a chance of being better.

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