The Effectiveness of Using Short Animation Subtitle Movie Toward Students’ Speaking Skill of The Eleventh Grade at Senior High School 8 in Serang City

Vebri Stevani, Ika Handayani, Rosmania Rima


The objective of the research was to find out the effectiveness of short animation subtitle movie toward students’ speaking skill on the eleventh grade in senior high school 8 Serang City. The researcher used quantitative research implementing quasi experimental design as the research design. There were two classes involved in this research as the experimental class and control class. Each class consisted of 23 students. Using short animation subtitle movie in the teaching learning process of speaking, the research revealed that value of t-test was higher than the value of t-table (5.70 > 2.015). It indicated that the alternative hypothesis was accepted, it means that there is significant difference in the achievement of speaking skill between students taught by using short animation subtitle movie in teaching speaking skill at eleventh grade of Senior High School 8 in Serang City. In conclusion using short animation subtitle movie as media in teaching and learning of speaking can be an alternative way media to teach English speaking, because this study was successful to show that there was any effect of students' speaking skills after the treatment by using animation short movie as media.

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