Students’ perception toward the implementation of blended learning method in English language teaching (ELT) at XI grade SMAN 19 Kabutapen Tangerang
This research objective was to find out how students in XI Grade SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang felt about using the blended learning approach to teach English as a second language and what benefits it provided to the students. Data collection for this study, which included interviews, closed-ended questionnaires, and open-ended questionnaires, took place over the course of two week. A purposive sample technique was used to gather the data from the 36 students in the XI IPA 2 Class. To ascertain the students' viewpoint, the closed-ended survey's answers were translated into percentages and assessed. the description only covered the lessons that might be gained from the interview and open-ended questionnaire. The findings of this study demonstrated that students had a favorable opinion of the use of blended learning in the teaching of English. The respondents' positive evaluation of the blended learning method was based on their own learning experiences. When the teacher used the blended learning method, they found the learning experience enjoyable. This study also shows that they benefited greatly from the blended learning approach. They became more eager to study, be more responsible and engaged as well, thanks to the blended learning approach.
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