The Plot and Moral Values in “Miracle in Cell No 7” Film by Lee Hwan Kyung

Yuli Rohmiyati


This research is entitled The Plot and Moral Values in "Miracle in Cell No 7" Film by Lee Hwan Kyung. The purpose of study is to analyze the plot and moral values Miracle in Cell No. 7 Film according to Nurgiyantoro theory. The method used descriptive qualitative with content analysis techniques. The data sources are from \ dialogues per scene of "Miracle in Cell No 7” film whose 127 minutes duration and supporting library sources. Techniques of collecting data and analyzing data used the theory of Gay, Mills & Airasian. The results of this study was (1) The plot in “Miracle in Cell No 7” Film has three plots, they are:  Flashback consist of 41 dialogues ( 84%) , Progressive plot consists of 5 dialogues ( 10%) and Mixing plot consists of 3 dialogues (6%). (2). There are 7 moral values in this film. They are Responsibility consits of 12 dialogues (25%) ,   Love and affection consists of 10 dialogues (21%), Cooperation consists of  9 dialogues ( 18%) , Never Give up consists of 6 dialogues (12%),Helpful consists of 5 dialogues ( 10%), Praying consists of 4 dialogues (8%) and Be Thankful consists of 3 dialogues ( 6%).

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