Students’ Perception toward the Use of Schoology as an Online Assessment in English Language Classroom

Nurul Rifa Mutia, John Pahamzah, Ezis Japar Sidik


This study is aimed to find out students’ perceptions toward the use of Schoology as an online assessment in English language classrooms, as well as its challenges in the eleventh grade of science at SMAN 4 Kota Tangerang. The researcher used a qualitative research method with a case study design. The instruments used included questionnaires and interviews. The subject for this study was XI Science 1 which consisted of 34 students. The researcher discovered that students’ perception toward the use of Schoology as an English online assessment brought positive perception though they also faced some challenges when doing English assessment. Moreover, students felt the use of Schoology made the assessment process more efficient because it was easier and more convenient rather using the paper-based. Besides, the features of Schoology were really useful and helpful for the students to do the English assessment, but there were still challenges because of the internet connection and the student being rushed in doing the assessment. The researcher concluded that students’ perceptions toward the use of Schoology tend to be positive even though students faced some challenges when doing the English assessment.

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