Using ELSA Speak Application in Learning Speaking Skills: A Case study in Social Class of SMAN 2 Kota Serang

Adinda Dara Dzahabiyah, Ika Handayani, Rosmania Rima


The purpose of this research is to find out the use of Elsa Speak application in learning speaking skills at the 11th grade of social classes in SMAN 2 Kota Serang. In conducting the research, the researcher used case study qualitative research. The researcher used purposive sampling in selecting participants who had experienced using Elsa Speak. In collecting data, the researcher used observation, documentation and structured in-depth interviews that were open-ended. The interview was conducted directly at the school and the questions consisted of three important indicators namely the learning process, difficulties, and advantages of using Elsa Speak application that were open-ended and explored deeper by the researcher. The data was analyzed using Miles & Huberman, 2014 techniques. The result of this study shows that the students enjoy the process of learning speaking and they can improve their speaking skill well. Moreover, the students’ felt motivated to explore all features in Elsa Speak application as well as their speaking practices. The students who struggled using ELSA Speak for learning speaking are caused by external factors like insufficient capacity of the device. While the students who felt helpful by the use of ELSA Speak during the speaking learning process are who consistently use it. In short, Students become more interested and passionate in learning speaking when they use and explore ELSA speak application in English class.


Keywords: Elsa Speak Application; Students; Speaking Skills.

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