Sierfi Rahayu


The problem is still high Maternal Mortality Rate and Infant Mortality Rate both nationally and regionally. The local government is committed to being able to contribute to addressing the problem. One of the efforts made is to create innovations in health services. The Lebak Regency Government, especially the Bojongmanik Health Center, has innovations that have become excellent programs. The purpose of this study was to find out Jamilah's innovation at the Bojongmanik health center. The Jamilah program is an innovation that arises from by and for the community. The research used is the typology of Innovation by Mulgan and Albury in Khairul Muluk (2008: 44). This research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the Jamilah innovation program became a flagship program at the Bojongmanik health center, besides that it has been able to reduce the Maternal Mortality Rate and Infant Mortality Rate at the Bojongmanik Health Center. This Jamilah program is included in canal innovation. The service method of this program is directly carried out and becomes a new strategy in handling the problem of Maternal Mortality Rate and Infant Mortality Rate


Innovation, Health Service

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 JAP, Jurnal Administrasi Publik. Journal is published by Laboratorium Administrasi Publik FISIP Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (print) and Jurnal Untirta (eprint).

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