Najiatul Musarofah, Suherman Suherman, Andjar Astuti, Ratna Mega Sari


The instability of rice prices in Banten Province is relatively large, the factor causing price fluctuations is because rice production still depends on the season. The distribution of price information in the reference market often experiences a large price difference from the price at the follower market level. This study aims to analyze the pattern of rice price movements at the retail level, rice prices at the wholesaler level and rice prices at the producer level in the province of Banten; analyze the integration that occurs between the rice market at the retail level, the rice market at the wholesaler level, and the rice market at the producer level. This study uses secondary data in the form of time series data. Market integration analysis is carried out using the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The results of the pattern of price movements show that the price of rice in the producer market has fluctuated compared to the market price of rice at the retail level and the price of rice at the wholesaler level. The results of the VECM analysis in this study show that between the retail market and wholesaler market there is long-term and short-term integration, in the wholesaler market and producer market there is no long-term or short-term integration, in the retail market and producer market there is long-term and integrated integration. one-way short term. 


Price fluctuation, market integration, VECM

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