Khusnul Fatimah, Tri Endar Suswatiningsih, Cristina Wahyu Ary Dewi


 The Impact Of E-commerce On Food Consumption Behavior By Students In Yogyakarta. Modernization in the economic field gave rise to an online selling system known as e-commerce. The emergence of e-commerce in Yogyakarta, such as shopee, grab, and gojek, has made students often use e-commerce to order food, so it needs to be studied further to determine the impact of e-commerce. This study aims to find out the e-commerce used by students, find out the variety of food purchased by students, and find out the impact of e-commerce on food consumption behavior by students. This research was conducted using a descriptive method with a qualitative-quantitative approach and the location of the research was determined using a case study at Instiper Yogyakarta. Sampling used accidental sampling criteria with solvin formula so that 97 students were obtained. The data were analyzed using t-test. The research results obtained by the e-commerce used by students at Instiper Yogyakarta are shopee (70.1%), grab (15.5%), and gojek (14.4%). Food ordered through e-commerce by students at were staples (14.4%), main meals (38.1%), desserts (30.9%), and snacks (16.5%). The positive impact of using e-commerce makes it easier to meet needs, time efficient, and energy efficient and the negative impact of e-commerce is an increase in spending, an increase in food purchases, and the emergence of consumptive behavior. Based on the results of the t test, spending after using e-commerce is greater than spending before using e-commerce. 


E-commerce, impact, consumption

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33512/jat.v16i1.20165


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