A. Marthin Kalay, Abraham Talahaturuson


Trichoderma harzianum has been widely known as biological control agents of
plant diseases. To obtain inoculum in large quantities waste agricultural products
could be used as media. Ela sago is solid wastes originated from sago processing,
contains C-organic, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, as
well as crude protein, fat, crude fiber, ash, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and
silica. The objective of this laboatory experiment was to determina the capacity of ela sagu in combination with rice bran and husks as T. harzianum inoculum
production. The research was conducted in laboratorium Nemathology, Plant
Pathology Agriculture Faculty of Pattimura University. The experiment was
conducted from March to April 2014. The medium testedin this experiment
were ela sago, ela sago + husk, ela sago + bran, ela sago + husk + bran, husk,
bran, husk + bran, and corn. The experiment was set up by using a completely
randomized design, replicated three times. The experimental results showed that
the number of conidiumon mixed media ela sago + bran and ela sago + bran +
husk reached up to 1011
per g media and significantly greater than that of ela
sago, elasago + husk, Husk + bran, husk, bran, and corn media.


Ela sagu, Trichoderma harzianum, Inoculum production media

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