Flood Risk Indices Mapping of Lebak Regency, Banten Province

Yovi Maulana, Ngakan Putu Purnaditya, Restu Wigati, Subekti Subekti, Bambang Adhi Priyambodho


Indonesia, as a developed country, has water-related disaster problems.
Flood is one of them and it occurs in mostly province, including
Banten province. Lebak Regency as the region of Banten Province has
history of flood occurrences. According to the Banten Provincial
BPBD (2021), among 2015-2020 period, twenty-nine flood events
occurred in Lebak Regency. The severest flood of that period occurred
in 2020. A total 2389 residents’ homes and forty-five units of public
facilities were damaged. Flood in Lebak regency historically also
resulted in nine deaths, and two people were declared missing. The
objective of this study is to be figuring out the flood risk profile and
which districts have the highest risk in Lebak Regency by develop the
risk indices map. Risk indices map informs the risk of flooding in each
sub-district, hence the policies taken can be delivered by the authority
properly. The method used in this study used overlays based on Perka
BNPB No. 2 of 2012. This research obtains the map of the flood
hazard, vulnerability, and capacity level that generates through QGIS.
According to the results of the study, the risk index of Lebak district is
low with three states. The sub-districts with the non-risk category are
seven sub-districts with a percentage of 25%, while the sub-districts
that fall into the slightly risky category are 10 sub-districts with a
percentage of 35.7% and the sub-districts that are in the fairly risky
category are 11 sub-districts with a percentage of 39.3%. These results
given the conclusion that Lebak Regency is not considerable risk on
hydrological flood events. Moderate level on vulnerability should
gives note to the authorities to enhance the disaster resiliences.


Flood, Risk, Hazard, Vulnerability, Capacity

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36055/fondasi.v12i1.19640


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