Sensitivity Analysis of Investment and NPV Analysis with Monte Carlo Simulation in Asphalt Mixing Plant (AMP) Industry

Wachid Hasyim, Ayu Krisma Wardani


The availability of proper transportation infrastructure in cities / districts with high population growth will support development growth.  Development growth can be seen at the growth of the regional economic level, so that economic growth is strongly supported by the development of road transportation facilities. National development in the transportation sector begins with the implementation of roads as infrastructure that strongly supports the achievement of national development goals. Road planning standards  state that for road pavement layers must meet certain classifications and specifications. Thus, to be able to meet the needs of materials with adequate quality and quantity, a supporting industry is needed, namely in the form of industry or asphalt mixing plants (AMP).  This research is reviewed from the financial aspect which aims to analyze the feasibility of investing in asphalt mixing plants (AMP). Based on the Investment Feasibility Analysis, the NPV (Net Present Value) value is  IDR.  30,777,082,259.61, BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio) is 1.39, IRR (Internal Rate of Return) is  30%, PP (Payback Period) is 4.16 years.  Based on sensitivity analysis, the value of sensitivity investment at IDR.  73,386,171,697.09. NPV value based on monte carlo simulation with two scenarios obtained values of  IDR. 27,553,320,897.33 and IDR. 23,719,088,232.49 respectively.


Investment Feasibility Analysis, Net Present Value, Benefit Cost Ratio, Payback Period, Sensitivity Analysis, Monte Carlo Simulation

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