Deviani Setyorini, Rina Yulianti, Rahmawati Rahmawati


The  topic  of  this  research  is  multiple  roles  of  female  lecturers  in  Sultan  Ageng  Tirtayasa
University. Several conflicts are faced by those female lecturers who have multiple roles and
have become the background of this research. Moreover, there is another problem related to
financial  matters.  Those  multiple  functions  are  domestic  and  public  roles.  This  research  is
using  qualitative  method  with  married  female  lecturers  in  Untirta  as  its  respondents.
Qualitative data analysis is conducted with an interactive model from Miles and Hubberman
(1995),  which  explains  that  data  analysis  is  interactive  and  continuous  at  every  levels  of
research until the process comes to an end and the data is complete.
The  research  found  that  there  are  several  female  lecturers  who  have  different  conflicts
regarding  multiple  roles  they  have.  This  situation  was  caused  by  the  differences  between
income  and  educational  levels,  the  lack  of  support  from  partners,  and  involvement  of  third
party. However, there are few married female lecturers who do not have conflictsdue to their
multiple  functions.  This  matter  was  because  of  the  length  of  their  marriage,  their  grown-up
children, and mutual understanding from their partners. Domestic roles of female lecturers in
Untirta  include  the  functions  as  a  mother  and  a  wife.  Meanwhile,  public  roles  of  female
lecturers in Untirta include social and financial functions. These multilpe roles tend to create
a  negative  attitude  at  work  and  a  low  level  of  work  motivation.  The  presence  of  external
factors such as a maid and extended families can support the success of these multiple roles

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