Pola Komunikasi Komunitas Cosplay Di Yogyakarta
The purpose of this research is to describe; 1) cosplayer communication patterns in the Anoman and Gamabunta communities with Wood's communication pattern model; 2) interaction between cosplayers in the Anoman and Gamabunta communities. The research which was conducted in Yogyakarta City used descriptive research with a qualitative approach. In practice, this study obtained informants with a purposive sampling technique. There are six informants in this study, namely: three cosplayers who are members of the Anoman community, and three cosplayers who are members of the Gamabunta community. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews and documentation. Data analysis using data reduction analysis, data presentation, and conclusions. Then for data validity techniques using source triangulation. The results showed: 1) the communication patterns carried out by the cosplayer community Anoman and Gamabunta tended to use interactive and transactional communication patterns, and rarely used linear communication pattern models; and 2) the communication interaction between the cosplayer groups of the two communities has not been effective yet but under different conditions. Anoman experienced a decrease in the number of old members who did not equal the number of new members, and was no longer active in activities due to financial constraints, so cosplayer Anoman joined another cosplay team. Meanwhile, Gamabunta has obstacles in dealing with gaps between members due to the large number of members who keep entering and the lack of routine activities to improve the quality of relationships between group members. Now Gamabunta cosplayers choose to do their hobby personally.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31506/jsc.v2i2.8277
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