Analisis Kendala Penegakan Hukum Pidana Terhadap Pelaku Pengaturan Skor (Match Fixing) Sepak Bola di Jawa Timur (Studi Kasus di Jawa Timur)

Adrian Imam Ramadhan, Hervina Puspitosari


There are Provisions Football is a very popular sport among the people of Indonesia. The total population of Indonesia, which has a total of 365 million, prefers this one ball sport to other sports. With such huge potential resources, many are interested in using football as a medium or intermediary for various messages and information, ranging from its role as a business medium to a political medium. The research method of this writing is empirical juridical, is a legal research regarding the enforcement or implementation of normative legal provisions in action on every particular legal event that occurs in society. The main motive for fixing the score is money. Big capital gambling syndicates dare to make scenarios regarding the outcome of a match because they have a lot of money to play at many points. However, it must be understood that as long as it does not meet certain elements that are criminally regulated, a score setting cannot be included in the category of crime/criminal but will still injure fair play. Three Elements of Legal System, the theory of Lawrence M. Friedman is a factor that influences law enforcement, namely the structural component, the substance component, and the cultural component or legal culture. Law enforcers must be pro-active in enforcing the law on match fixing because in essence, fixing scores or bribes in speak football matches is a general offense. Without a report, the police should do intelligence work for the convenience and good of the sport of football.


Match Fixing; Law Enforcement Obstacles; Football.

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