Annisa Cahyani, Shela Oktaviani Putri


The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 had various kinds of impacts, one of which was education in
Indonesia. education in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 requires all elements of education to
continue to move forward in line with the times. The learning process also changes significantly,
which must prioritize how to improve the quality of the students. One of them is the existence of
chritical thingking or the application of hots in the learning process at school. The application of
hotas must be supported by the existence of qualified technology-based media, as well as the quality
of the teachers who have been trusted to improve the quality of the students. The application is not
maximal because in the learning process because educators only apply to practice questions or tests
without applying in the learning process such as learning media or learning materials. This research
includes literature study where the process of data collection is done by searching for theoretical
references that are relevant to the problems found.

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