Yuyu Yuhana


The purpose of writing this article is to present ideas about learning that must be carried out by teachers in elementary schools in areas where internet network access has many obstacles, and the supporting facilities for implementing online learning are very limited. Since March 2020 the teaching and learning process in schools has changed drastically from the usual face-to-face learning in class to learning that must be carried out online in accordance with Permendikud no. 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education Policies in Emergency Times COVID 19. The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face learning is feared to cause transmission, therefore the Government, in this case the Ministry of Education and Culture, prohibits face-toface learning, the alternative must be learning online. Elementary school teachers in certain areas are not ready to implement online learning because in terms of knowledge and facilities for online learning are not sufficient. Moreover, learning in elementary school between the low class (grades 1 - 3) and the high class (grades 4 - 6) differs in serving the learning process in the classroom. There are no implementation and technical guidelines for carrying out online learning, so each teacher carries out the learning in his own way. There are teachers who carry out the learning process by going around the students' homes, and there are also those whose students come to school but take turns. There are also teachers who give their assignments through WA, and their assignments are also sent to the WA teachers. Learning varies according to the knowledge and abilities of the teacher. There are many complaints from parents of students, because students are given too many assignments while in theory they have not understood it. To solve this problem, teachers need to carry out good online learning if the facilities and infrastructure are supported. A more obvious alternative is that the teacher makes modules and special student worksheets (LKPD). Students in studying at home using these devices. Students go to school every three days in turn, to collect assignments in the mudol and LKPD and receive further explanations from theteacher. Teachers attend school every day to serve students but with a limited number. At the time of learning, using the Health Protocol SOP that had been set for the prevention of transmission of COVID-19.

Kata kunci : Pembelajaran daring, Modul, LKPD

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