Rahmawati Rahmawati, Arif Permana Putra, Dwi Junian Lestari, Mohamad Saripudin


Abstract Indonesia is an archipelago with many traditions and habits. One of them is a ritual during pregnancy. This paper aimed to convey a picture of some traditions during pregnancy that existed in several regions in this country serves as local wisdom supporting the mothers and their families during pregnancy time. Some efforts need to do by the husband, family, and social environment during pregnancy to support and facilitate the process. The social support in the form of rituals during pregnancy has several purposes and reasons, including: (1) thanksgiving that served various special foods that are useful for maternal pregnancy; (2) The gathering of family and close relatives at the event as a form of acceptance of the mother's pregnancy and also as a form of social support to the mother; (3) As a culture to protect the mothers and babies during the pregnancy from being attacked by demonic disorders; (4) As an invocation so that the childbirth process will proceed normally; (5) As an effort so that the fetus grows healthily and goodness will always cover the baby in the future. Meanwhile, a mother gets some social supports during pregnancy from these traditions, including (1) Emotional support; (2) Esteem support; (3) Information support; (4) instrumental support; and (5) Social network support.

Key word: 1. Tradition; 2. Pregnancy; 3. Social support

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