Kata Kunci: Pelatihan, Model Five Levels of Evaluation (Kaufman)
Abstract: Training helps in developing a skill through various programs according to their needs, then participants will be given the opportunity to be trained and also try out as an effort to see the extent of their development, however if a skill is not trained and honed regularly then there may be minimal improvement by Therefore, it can be done through evaluation activities. As for the assessment carried out through the five of evaluation (kaufman) model, the focus of this evaluation is on 5 important aspects aimed at getting relevant final results for everything used by training participants in the Serang City SPNF SKB Fashion Design PKW program. The results of the field analysis show that the PKW Fashion Design program as a whole has been able to implement activities effectively and efficiently, supported by all adequate resources so that the graduates are able to position themselves and obtain careers in accordance with the program that has been given, but it does not rule out the possibility that there will still be there were several obstacles during the activity. So, in this way, the implementation of the program has gone well even though there are still several obstacles that occur beyond their control, then later it can help in the assessment process to correct mistakes in the future.
Keywords: Training, Five Of Evaluation Model (Kaufman).
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