Kata Kunci : Pendidikan,Andragogi, Pedagogi
Abstract: Quality education always has several problems that are one of the obstacles to education in Indonesia. Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process. Andragogy is the art and science of adult education, so andragogy refers to all forms of adult education. The existence of self-concept, adult student experience, learning readiness, learning orientation and learning motivation. Pedagogy is an approach or theory of learning that focuses on educating children. The concept of pedagogy emphasizes the role of teachers as teachers who provide information to students. This approach is often more structured and authoritative, where teachers play an important role in the learning process. In this study, namely to apply pedagogical and andragogical references to the broader level of equivalent educational goals in SKB Kota Serang. the results of this discussion show that in SKB Kota Serang, pedagogical and andragogical learning methods are implemented optimally and follow the learning styles of students. In the field study that we conducted at SKB Kota Serang, several studies were conducted on the feasibility of the curriculum applied by tutors and tutors, both andragogically and pedagogically, to students at SKB Kota Serang.
Keywords: Education, Andragogy, Pedagogy
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