Kata Kunci: Inovasi Teknologi, lembaga kursus, Warga Belajar
Abstract: The utilization of modern technology in education has become an important factor to improve the quality and efficiency of non-formal education institutions. In this increasingly connected era, technology integration is crucial in meeting the demands of the times and improving educational services. LPK Anita is one example of education outside the formal system that has evolved due to technological developments. LPK Anita successfully made the transition from using conventional sewing machines to more modern automatic machines. But behind the development of course there are obstacles. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the challenges faced by Educational Course Institutions (LPK) such as LPK Anita in Serang City in utilizing modern technology. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and document analysis. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation and interviews with the management, namely directly with the principal at LPK Anita. The results show that the main challenges faced are limited infrastructure, lack of human resources capable of operating new technology effectively, limited funds and teaching management that tends to still use the old way due to limited teaching staff. The adoption of technology such as automatic machines and digital tools is expected to increase productivity and support the satisfaction of course participants at LPK Anita.
Keywords: Technology Innovation, Course Institution, Learning Citizens
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