Penerapan Model Project Based Learning Dengan Media Simulasi Phet Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Siswa

Yudis Setiawan, Andri Suherman, Rudi Haryadi



Learning Physics must essentially be able to provide a physical understanding of abstract concepts. One of the efforts made to improve the learning of Physics is to use the right learning model. This study aims to improve students' understanding of concepts by using the Project Based Learning model with a PhET simulation media for class XI students at Serang 3 Public High School in the 2018/2019 school year. This research was conducted using a type of quasi-experimental research. In this study there were many two classes of samples. One class as an experimental class is class XI MIPA 8 and one class again as a control class namely class XI MIPA 2. The instruments used in this study are subject matter. Hypothesis test results that the model with the media used to understand students' concepts is done to improve the concept understanding of students who are higher in the experimental class compared to the control class. The N-gain test results state that conceptual understanding has increased.

Keywords: Concept Understanding, Project Based Learning, PhET Media Simulation.


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