Gerbang Logika Kombinasional dan Komparator
This experiment generally aims to prove the truth table regarding combinational and comparator gates through the experimental method. Specifically this experiment is intended so that the reader can arrange combinational logic circuit units from basic logic gates to form certain functions, understand how the work of combinational logic circuits recognizes the location and function of pins on the IC logic gates as well as understanding the workings of the comparator. The working principle of this experiment is to assemble the combinational and comparator circuits of basic logic gates using IC 7408, IC 7432 and IC 7485 with outputs marked with LEDs and then prove truth tables based on the results of experiments obtained. Based on experiments, the results obtained proved to be in accordance with the truth table. The workings of a combinational circuit that is there are two AND logic gates (IC 7408) to produce an OR gate output (IC 7432). While the workings of a comparator circuit are comparing two digital data adjusted by a binary converter to decimal with the results of the comparison that are equal, smaller, and larger.
Keywords: basic logic gate, combinational circuit, comparator circuit, truth table
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Fisika (Sendikfi) Untirta diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa