Pemberian Amnesty Terhadap Pelaku Kejahatan Internasional Melalui Proses Transitional Justice (Kajian Perbandingan Kasus Apartheid di Afrika, Uruguay dan G 30 S di Indonesia)

Suheflihusnaini Ashady, Aryadi Almau Dudy



Law enforcement against delicta jure gentium perpetrators can be done by using the direct enforcement system, indirect enforcement system, and hybrid model mechanisms. In addition, there is another mechanism known as transitional justice. The transitional justice process opens opportunities for perpetrators of delicta jure gentium to be granted amnesty or forgiveness. This is inversely proportional to the Rome statute which does not recognize amnesty for the various international crimes that have occurred. Transitional Justice has been carried out in the Apharteid case in South Africa, the Furundzija ICTY case and the Cavollo case in Argentina. In Indonesia, the Transitional Justice mechanism is expected to be able to resolve various crimes that have occurred in the past, one of which is the G30S. This study uses a normative method through library research. The purpose of this study is to examine whether the provision of amnesty has a strong foundation in international criminal law enforcement and how the apartheid case in Uruguay compares to the case of G30S in Indonesia. The results of the research show that amnesty can only be carried out through revealing the truth for the sake of national reconciliation, and the crimes committed have political motives. It is important for the victim or the victim's family to forgive, and giving compensation and rehabilitation for the victim or the victim's family.

Keywords; Transitional justice, amnesty, international crime.


Penegakan hukum terhadap pelaku delicta jure gentium dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan mekanisme direct enforcement system, indirect enforcement system, dan hybrid model. Disamping itu, terdapat mekanisme lain yang dikenal dengan istilah transitional justice. Proses transitional justice membuka peluang para pelaku delicta jure gentium diberikan amnesty atau pengampunan. Hal itu berbanding terbalik dengan statuta roma yang tidak mengenal pemberian amnesty terhadap berbagai kejahatan internasional yang telah terjadi. Transitional Justice pernah dilakukan pada kasus apharteid di Afrika Selatan, kasus Furundzija ICTY dan kasus Cavollo di Argentina. Di Indonesia, mekanisme Transitional Justice diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan berbagai Kejahatan yang pernah terjadi di masa lalu, salah satunya adalah G30S.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode normative melalui penelitian kepustakaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji apakah pemberian amnesty memiliki landasan yang kuat dalam penegakan hukum pidana internasioal dan bagaimana perbandingan kasus apartheid, Uruguay dengan kasus Gerakan 30 September di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian amnesty hanya dapat dilakukan melalui pengungkapan kebenaran demi rekonsiliasi nasional, serta kejahatan yang dilakukan memiliki motif politik. Selain itu penting adanya pemaafan oleh korban atau keluarga korban, dan dilakukan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban atau keluarga korban.

Kata Kunci; Keadilan Transisional, Amnesti, Kejahatan Internasional.


Transitional Justice; Amnesty; International Crime

Full Text:



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