Reza Angga Nugraha


Generic Skill Assessment (GSA) is a competency assessment model for students to demonstrate generic skills. Existing models often focus more on technical aspects than generic skills. This research aims to develop a GSA model suitable for vocational school students in refrigeration and air conditioning engineering, integrating both generic and technical skills holistically. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study resulted in a GSA instrument design validated by experts with a reliability of 0.75. Key generic skills identified include communication, teamwork, adaptability, and critical and creative thinking. Effective integration of technical and generic skills is achieved through comprehensive assessment indicators. Challenges include a lack of academic studies, teacher awareness of generic skills, and inadequate curriculum evaluation. Despite these, implementing the GSA model shows positive impacts, with 83% of students being well-prepared for the refrigeration and air conditioning industry. The GSA model provides a balanced evaluation of students' readiness for the workforce.


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