The Application of Round Robin Techniques Cooperative Learning Model to Improve the Students’ Learning Outcomes

Elfia Delina, Fitri Refelita


The development of education must be considered, because education can develop students' self-ability through the learning process. A teacher must have fun teaching skills to improve student learning outcomes. Therefore, This study aims to determine whether there is an increase in student chemistry learning outcomes with the application model of cooperative learning techniques in Round Robin. The method used is quasi-experimental with a nonequivalent control group design. The subjects in this study were class XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 2 SMAN 1 Tambang, Riau. Data collection techniques using homogeneity test, documentation, observation, pretest and posttest. The homogeneity test analysis on the sample used the Bartlett test and variance test, while the final data analysis used the t-test. The results showed that there was an effect of increasing student chemistry learning outcomes with the application model of cooperative learning techniques in Round Robin. This is evidenced by the difference in the posttest average of the experimental class of 85.65 and the control class of 76.77. Based on the dissimilarity of this posttest value, the normalized N-Gain value for the experimental class is 0.773 which includes the high criteria and the control class is 0.61 including the medium criteria.


Model of Cooperative Learning Techniques in Round Robin, Learning Outcomes, Thermochemistry

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EduChemia: Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan ISSN 2502-4779 (print) | ISSN 2502-4787 (online)
Published by Department of Chemistry Education - Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
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