Agya Maulida, Setiawan Sariyoga, Juwarin Pancawati



Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis daya saing usahatani padi sawah di Kecamatan Kramatwatu. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) atau Matriks Analisis Kebijakan (MAK) sebagai metode analisis, stratified random sampling sebagai teknik pengambilan sampel dan jumlah responden sebanyak 90 orang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2020 hingga September 2020. Berdasarkan nilai keuntungan privat sebesar 25.051.408; PCR <1; keuntungan sosial 18.839.331  dan DRC < 1, usahatani padi sawah di Kecamatan Kramatwatu mempunyai daya saing sangat tinggi.  Usahatani padi sawah di Kecamatan Kramatwatu akan mampu bersaing di pasar dalam negeri, berpotensi ekspor dan bersaing di pasar internasional. Kebijakan pemerintah telah memberikan dampak baik terhadap usahatani padi di Kecamatan Kramatwatu seperti meningkatkan pendapatan petani, menurunkan biaya produksi, meningkatkan efektivitas kebijakan dan melindungi usahatani padi dari impor produk beras.  Hal ini dilihat dari nilai indikator TI = - 6.127.842; NPCI = 0,200; TF = 364.341; TO = 448.576; NPCO = 1,013; TB = 4.799.604; EPC = 1,25; PC = 1,330 dan SRP = 0,185.

 Kata Kunci: Matriks Analisis Kebijakan, keunggulan kompetitif, keunggulan komparatif, usahatani padi



This research was conducted to analyze the competitiveness of rice farming in Kramatwatu District. The research is descriptive qualitative with a Policy Analysis Matrix for analysis tools. The sample was selected using stratified random sampling of 90 respondents. This research was conducted in November until September 2020. Rice farming in Kramatwatu District has very high competitiveness as seen from the competitive and comparative advantage. This can be seen from the results of the calculation of private profits = 25.051.408; PRC <1; social benefit = 18.839.331  and DRC <1 means that rice farming in Kramatwatu District has competitive and comparative advantages, can compete in the domestic market, has the potential to export and compete in the international market. Government policies have had an impact on rice farming in Kramatwatu District, such as increasing farmer income, reducing production costs, increasing effectiveness and protecting rice farming in Kramatwatu District from imported rice products seen from the calculation of  IT = 6.127.842; NPCI = 0,200; FT = 364.341; OT = 448.576; NPCO = 1,013; NT = 4.799.604; EPC = 1,25;    PC= 1,330 dan SRP = 0,185

Keywords: competitive advantage, comparative advantage, Policy Analysis Matrix, rice farming



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