This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of using Project-Based Learning (PjBL)-based modules on students' numeracy skills on the material of building space. Numeracy is an important skill needed to analyze, reason, and solve mathematical problems in various contexts of daily life. This research used quasi-experiment method with non-equivalent control group design. The research sample consisted of two VIII classes in one of the middle schools in Serang Regency, namely one experimental class that used PjBL-based modules and one control class that used traditional modules. Numeracy data was collected through post-test and analyzed using t-test statistical test for independent samples. The results showed that the achievement of numeracy skills of students who received learning with the help of project-based learning-based modules was better than the achievement of numeracy skills of students who received learning with traditional modules. The PjBL-based module was designed to facilitate collaboration, numeracy skills, and application of mathematical concepts through real projects. These findings indicate that PjBL modules can effectively improve learners' numeracy skills and can be implemented as an innovative alternative to mathematics learning.
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