Yunika Lestaria Ningsih, Rohana Rohana



Differential equations is used to make the mathematical modeling which is describes the phenomenon in real life problems. It is one of the important concepts to learning the applied mathematics. It is become the main subject for students in mathematics, physics, and engineering field. This study aim to describe how students learn and understand the concept of ordinary differential equations based on APOS theory. The subject of this study was 33 students of semester 5B mathematics educations of private University in Palembang, South Sumatera. Data were collective through test and interview. The result showed that students’ understanding of ordinary differential equations only in action phase. Most of students’ couldn’t understand the next phase in APOS theory because the lack of the derivative and integral concept in form of exponential and logarithm function.

Keywords:Exponential Function, Ordinary Differential Equations, APOS Theory

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