The Eminences of Using E-Learning for Mining Employees in Language Teaching and Learning Process

Ade Windiana Argina, Reggita Arum Alyranti


There are many ways for people to learn a language currently. For those with enough time, they will be able to attend some scheduled courses or language, private classes. However, limited time is being a matter for other people who want to do so, such as people working in mining. In fact, language competency is highly needed to support their job. They do not have enough time to attend 1-1.5 hour of language class for each session. There are two kinds of language training in E-learning portal at Batu Hijau project: English and Bahasa Indonesia. Language Unit (LU) of Training Department in Batu Hijau project provides the TOEIC practice for English and Lentera Indonesia for Bahasa Indonesia. This study aimed to investigate the advantages (and disadvantages) of using language E-learning for employees working in mining. This study used multiple research tools: observation, questionnaires and semi-structure interview. The findings reveal that there are some advantages of using E-learning: it is easily accessed at any time, in class or outclass; it also provides score that helps trainers in monitoring trainees’ progress; moreover, there is no limit time in each exercise.

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