The Integration of English Pronunciation in English Department

Berry Septiana


This study aims to investigate the integration of English pronunciation teaching and learning in the speaking skill-related courses at English department of State University of Jakarta. This study applied a descriptive-qualitative research design which employed three data collection procedures: classroom observation, interview, and document analysis of academic guide book and course outline of speaking skill-related courses. This study also revealed three findings related to the research questions. First, all course descriptions of speaking skill-related courses as described in the academic guide book explicitly asserted to integrate English pronunciation. Second, all speaking skill- related courses integrated the English pronunciation into teaching and learning activities in which lecturers directly gave correction and feedback to students when the students mispronounced the word in their presentation and/or reading. And the last, the problems that lecturers encountered when integrating English pronunciation into teaching and learning activities were inappropriate learning materials and insufficient time of teaching.

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