Information and Communication Technology as A Change Agent for Education

Nabiilah Ramadhana, Riska Nurfauziaha


Education is a very social oriented activity which becomes the key development targets for countries around the world. ICT has become the commonplace in all aspect of life, one of those aspects is in education. The use of ICT in education develops higher order thinking skills. Teaching with technology is an interactive learning to engage the students with higher order thinking. As the world develops, every job in the future will require applicants to have some technical skills. So, the use of technology in education prepares our children for tomorrows advanced working conditions. Considering this, making good quality, accessible, and affordable education to the learners is necessary When ICT is applied to education, ICT can positively impact in some parts. However, in this modern era, still many Indonesian schools still employ traditional instructions without having access to latest trends on the ICT. Which resulted students cannot improve their high order thinking in the process of teaching learning. The integration of ICT in learning and teaching process builds on the professional attitude and willingness of the individual teacher and principal. The paper argues the use of ICT is effective in transforming teaching and learning, and seeks to explore how this will be offered and delivered in the educational institutions in the future.

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