The Use of Cartoon Movies to Enhance Students’ Vocabulary in Primary School

Sri Widia Astuti, Nur Chalipah


The research aims to identify whether or not and to what extent cartoon movies can

enhance students’ vocabulary mastery. The research also identifies the increasing of students’ writing ability in writing short composition after taught by the movies. The Classroom Action Research conducted at fifth grade students of Syafana Islamic School, Gading Serpong, Tangerang. There were 2 cycles and each cycle consists of four steps, namely; (1) planning the action, (2) implementing the action, (3) observing the action, and (4) reflecting the result of the observation. The result of the research shows that cartoon movies can enhance the students’ vocabulary mastery. It enhances students’ writing ability in writing short composition after taught by the movies. It could be seen from these indicators: (a) students could spell the vocabularies; (b) most students were able to pronounce words correctly; (c) students could grasp the meaning well; and (d) students could use many vocabularies in their writing short composition. In line with the result, the writers suggest that cartoon movies are one of the effective techniques in English teaching activities. It increases the students’ enthusiasm and their achievement in learning vocabulary and writing short composition ability. The result hopefully will motivate teachers to use cartoon movies in teaching vocabulary to young learners.

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