Fitriani Pratiwi


The objectives of research are to investigate the extent, types, functions, teacher and students’ attitude and the effects of teacher’s code switching and code mixing in EFL classroom at SMK Bunga Persada Cianjur. This research focuses on analyzing EFL teacher’s utterances at 10th grade and by using Poplack, Musyken and Wardhaugh theory. The method of this study is qualitative method. The data of the research is in the form of written recording utterances during teaching and learning process in the classroom, interview and questionnaire. Based on the analysis of the data, reveals that there are five major conclusions about teacher’s code switching and code mixing in EFL classroom. First, code switching and code mixing exist in EFL classroom. Second, teacher’s code switching and code mixing can occur in various types of switching and mixing. Third, the use of code switching and code mixing in EFL classroom has various functions includes topic switch, affective, repetitive, directive and phatic function, as proposed by Sert (2005) and Apple & Musyken (2006). Fourth, the data from the questionnaire reflects the positive attitude toward the use of code switching and code mixing along teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Lastly, teacher’s code switching and code mixing can affect the students ‘competency accomplishment positively. The teacher’s code switching and code mixing can be effective to make students understand their teacher’s practice instructions and material explanation. 

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