Harsuni Winarti, Yudi Juniardi, Masrupi Masrupi


The research was designed to know the relevant design of digital comic media for Senior High School students, the relevant reading learning material of an Explanation text, the feasibility of the digital comic media as the reading learning material and the effectiveness of using digital comic-based reading material for Senior High School students. The digital comic was believed as a good media for transferring the material, since its interesting object and easily understand by all kind of learners. The research conducted by using R and D research and developed using ADDIE model which is using evaluation on its every stage. The last product of the digital comic is in the form of video Mp4.The digital comic was designed using free downloadable application Cartoon Story Maker and converted to the form of Mp4 using ScreenCast O-Matic application. The media expert validation result was 88.5 %, very good feasibility level and material expert validation result was 98.2%, very good feasibility level. The result of product trial on the small scale was 80.6% and the large scale was 81.3%.From the teachers point of view, the result was 92.5%.The result of Implementation to the 75 students indicated that the product was effective by showing the strong correlation about 0.609 and the significance result < a 0.05. It is proved from the series of validation, product trial and implementation that the digital comic gives beneficial contribution as reading material for Senior High School students in Indonesia especially in Banten Province.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30870/aiselt.v2i2.10951


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