Ita Miftahussaidah Rivai, Syafrizal Syafrizal, Siti Hikmah


 Based on the background of the research, objectives of the research were 1) to know the appropriateness of the contents of the English textbook “Forward” with the core and basic competence of 2013 Curriculum, 2) to know the English textbook “Forward” fulfills the criteria of good textbook by BSNP (curriculum 2013).This research used qualitative content analysis as its research method. The data  were collected from the English textbook “Forward” for tenth grade of Vocational  School written by Shyla K Lande and Eka Mulya Astuti.The technique of analyzing data are: comparing the materials provided within  the  textbook with the core and basic competence of by the Curriculum 2013 suggested by Permendikbud No 68 Tahun 2013, comparing the content of English textbook “Forward” with the criteria of good textbook suggested by BSNP (2013 Curriculum),evaluating the materials presented in the textbook “Forward”, interpreting the data gained from process of evaluation of the textbook  “Forward”, and summing up the compatibility of the textbook content in quantitative output to show result in percentage. The results findings of this study concluded that 1)The English textbook “Forward” covers around 82.23% materials which were relevant with Core and Basic Competence of 2013 Curriculum for  the tenth  grade students of Vocational School, 2) The English textbook “Forward” covers around 86.94% materials which fulfilled the categories of good textbook by BSNP (curriculum 2013)

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