Lissa Linda Ningsih, Syafrizal Syafrizal, Siti Hikmah


This study was aimed to know the effect of blended learning model and motivation on students’ reading comprehension at SMA Islam Fajrul Karim Cinangka. This study was categorized as quasi experimental research which was dealing with treatment by level 2x2 designs. The sample of this study was two classes of eleventh grade students (class XI) of SMA Islam Fajrul Karim Cinangka. One class as experimental class comprised with 20 students, and the other class as controlled class comprised with 20 students as well. The researcher used test and questionnaire to collect the data. The findings of this study are: (1).There were differences in students reading comprehension between groups’ students with blended learning model with students studied with internet based material by 12.05%. (2).There were differences in reading comprehension between groups’ students who have high motivation with groups of students who have low motivation by 16.25%. (3).There was an interaction effect between learning model and motivation toward reading comprehension, Fcount (6.889) > Ftable (2.15), then H0 was rejected and H3 accepted. (4).There was no difference in reading comprehension group of students who studies with the blended learning with groups of students who learn with internet based material have high motivation by 0.2%. (5).There were differences in reading comprehension group of students who studies with blended learning with groups of students who learn with internet based material who have low motivation by 17.9%. (6).There were differences in students reading comprehension who studies with blended learning model that has high motivation with groups of students who have low motivation by 17.4%. (7) There were differences in students reading comprehension who studies with internet based material who have high motivation with groups of students who have low motivation by 22.6%.

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