Rosyidah Hasanah


The aim of this research was to investigate students’ response of EFL, students’ language attitude on EFL, and the cause of students’ language attitude on EFL. Researcher conducted a qualitative research through case study method. There were 35 students selected in this research at XI grade of SMAN 4 Kota Serang This study conducted on 16th of May 2018. The data collecting technique were questionnaire, observation, interview,and dicumentation. The analysis data with three characteristics of language attitude there were language loyalty, language pride, and awareness of the norms. The students’ positive response of English language were favorable toward English language as FL. The data for the students’ language attitudes revealed that most of students at XI grade had positive attitudes towards EFL. They used English language in the classroom situation that is instructed by the teacher, they also involved EFL in many kinds of media; entertainments, in the field of Education, and as tool for international communication that English is urgently used. The cause of students’ language attitude on EFL revealed with positive attitude towards English language that students encouraged to learn English more as language loyalty. In addition, they proud of English language because of their awareness that it is very important used as general. Therefore, EFL must be owned by everyone. In conclusion, the students’ response, language attitudes of EFL, and the cause of students’ language attitude of EFL were interrelated each other between language loyalty, language pride, and awareness of the language norms.

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