Septian Sudrajat, Ngadiso Ngadiso, Dewi Rochsantiningsih


The core problem that young learner faced in language is about how to memorise new word. We know that English language is the universal language which is used to communicate with other nations. That is why it will have a good result to study English from basic level, especially for teaching and learning vocabulary. Giving the suitable media such as a game will give good effect in acquiring new words to make EYL enjoy in learning process. Many educators seek the suitable media in mastering English vocabulary for EYL. For that reason, recently, numbers of researchers propose a simple media used to improve in mastering English vocabulary named vocabra games. This media is still rarely used to enhance both vocabulary test and oral performance. This study aimed to investigate the teacher’s perception toward the use of vocabra games in mastering English vocabulary for EYL. The research is a qualitative study used purposive sampling technique. Interview method has been used in this study by asking list of questions to the respondent that guided the teacher and researcher in a particular situation. This study revealed some findings related to the implementation of vocabra games for EYL. The findings are vocabra games improve students’ vocabulary mastery; vocabra games give positive effects to the development of students’ pronunciation, spelling, meaning, and using words. Some problem faced in the implementation of vocabra games; and the solutions proposed to deal with the problems. 

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30870/aiselt.v2i2.10969


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