Sibghatullah Mujadidi, Syafrizal Syafrizal, Siti Hikmah


The objectives of this research was to find out the process, the students’ response and the students’ improvement in reading and writing skill after learning recount text through mind mapping technique at eighth grade of SMP Islam Pariskian Kota Serang. The method used in this research was Classroom Action Research (CAR) which the researcher observed and gave treatment to improve students’ recount text in reading and writing skill. The researcher used observation sheet, documentation, and questionnaire to collect qualitative data. Furthermore, the researcher used test which consisted of pre-test and post-test for collecting quantitative data. As the result, the process of teaching recount text through mind mapping technique was more effective, interesting, and fun for the students. It was caused by the use of pictures and colors in mind mapping which attracted students’ attention and made them focus on the lesson. Further, the result revealed that mind mapping gave impact to students’ behavior change so that they had good motivation, interest and engagement during teaching learning process. Consequently, it influenced to their score achievement both in reading and writing skill. The students’ mean score gained in the pre-test, post-test one, until post-test two indicated the improvement of students’ reading and writing skill particularly in recount text. Based on the findings of this research, it can be conclude that the use of mind mapping was effective and successful to improve students’ recount text at eighth grade of SMP Islam Pariskian Kota Serang.

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